Safiruddin Al Baqi, Abdul Latip A., Tyas Sarli Dwiyoga (2016) Determinant Factors Of Discipline Behavior Among Student Of Islamic Boarding School, Lembaga Penelitian Um Metro



Disciplined behavior leads a person to be ab le to follow the rules and do not do disobedience. A school is a strategic environment to teach the discipline behavior. Boarding school education system requires students to stay in dormitory and every student should always follow the rules. This study ai ms to determine factors that influence students to be discipline. Data obtained by taking survey to 222 students (male: 120; female: 102) from 5 boarding school around East Java. Results of analysis showed some factors: external factors that affect student s indiscipline including the influence of friends, there is a chance and personal issues that were brought from their family. While the internal factors are less able to adapt to the boarding environment, unable to implement the rules, did not have a clear goal of live, hates disciplinarian (senior students). External factors that influence the behavior of disciplines including support of parents? fear of punishment influence of friends who obey the rules, and want to be perceived well by others. And the in ternal factor are their understanding of the function of being discipline, able to adapt to boarding system, has good self - control (that influenced by religiosity) and have a high motivation on learning on boarding. So it is expected that the findings of this study can help school administrators to create school environment that capable to make student to be discipline.

Keywords : Student, Education, Islamic Education, Discipline Behavior, Boarding School.


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Depositing User:Admin Universitas
Date Deposited:22 January 2017
Last Modified:22 January 2017