M. Ihsan Dacholfany,Asroh (2016) The Leadershipandteacher Performanceand Significantpositiveeffecton The Quality Oflearning Insmk Negeri Se-kabupaten Tulang Bawang, Lembaga Penelitian Um Metro



Quality of learning is the result of a teacher's perform ance, improving the quality of learning is influenced by factors of the performance of teachers and school leadership. The purpose of this study was to analyze: (1) The impact of school leadership on the quality of learning, (2) The influence of the teache r's performance against the quality of learning, and (3) The impact of school leadership and teacher performance against the quality of learning.Population as many as 151 samples used by 60 respondents us take of Slovin. Date collection with questionnaires and using regression as a tool for research. The analysis results obtained in this study as follows: (1) there is a positive and significant impact on the quality of school leadership learning in SMA Se - Tulang Bawang. This can be explained by the regressi on equation Y = 71.365 + - 0.303 X 1 . With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the leadership of the principal on the quality of learning, so any change in t he leadership of the principal variable score of 3.4%, (2) There is a positive and sig nificant impact on the quality of the learning performance of teachers in vocational Sekabupaten Bone Onions. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 56.507 + 0.413 X 2 . With the regression equation can be interpreted that if the performance of teachers to the quality of learning, so any changes to teacher performance variable score sebesar12,3%, and 3) There is a positive and significant effect of school leadership and teacher performance together against the quality of learning. Results of thi s study indicate that the better the performance of the principal and teacher performance, the better the contribution to the quality of learn ing. This can be explained by the regression equation Y = 71.365 + 0303 X 1 + 0,433 X 2 . With a significance of 13.4 %. Conclusions from this research is the perception of teachers on school leadership and teacher performance and significant positive effect on the quality of learning in SMA Lampung Tengah.

Keywords : Leadership Principal, Teacher Performance, and the Qual ity of Learning.


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Date Deposited:25 February 2017
Last Modified:25 February 2017